This summer has been so crazy! Please check out these past weddings on facebook under the M.E.G. Photography group, or on my personal profile (Megan Gregory)
July 3, 2010 Jamie and Ryan's Wedding - Union Chapel United Mehoidist. Reception at the Riverwalk Banquet Center in Indianapolis, IN.
July 31, 2010 Natalie and Mike' Wedding - First Christian Church. Reception at The Convention Center in Bloomington, IN.
August 7, 2010 Stacey and Mark's Wedding - St. Juliana Catholic Church. Reception at the Rescatore Palance in Chicago, IL.
August 14, 2010 Julie and Kevin's Wedding - Omni Severin Hotel, Indianapolis, IN.
August 15, 2010 Alicia and Patrick's Wedding - Indiana Capitol Building. Reception at the Indianapolis Museum of Art.
August 28, 2010 Amanda and Matt's Wedding - Columbia Club, Indianapolis, IN.