Welcome to the world babies!!
It's funny that ever since my baby portrait boom, I've been photographing all boys! Finally, on April 22nd, I got to meet the beautiful Julia. This was the most heart-warming session I'd ever done. The parents were so so proud of their baby girl that even just TAKING the pictures made the mom cry! She was so excited and just couldn't believe that this adorable, sweet, innocent little baby lying in front of her was actually HERS!

Baby Julia was quite the momma girl. Both Baby Julia and Cooper (who you are about to meet) insisted on being held in mommy's arms for their portraits. There is no comfier place!

In Daddy's Arms

Cooper I had the pleasure of meeting at the end of March. I was surprised when I discovered that Cooper was
delivered by the same doctor that delivered my baby girl! He was such a sweetie, and came just in time to enjoy his first Easter :)

Best Easter treat ever!

What a catch :)